
JAX® Mice Database

  • The most comprehensive source of genotypic and phenotypic data on JAX® Mice strains
  • Detailed information on more than 200 JAX® Mice models for diabetes and obesity
  • Offers capability to search for mouse models of disease using human OMIM terms


Mouse Phenome Database

  • Houses baseline phenotypic and genotypic data on commonly used and genetically diverse inbred mouse strains
  • Includes baseline phenotypes for normal and diet-induced changes in plasma phospholipids, lipids, lipoprotein, glucose, and hormone levels, body weight, body composition, bone mineral density, and susceptibility to disease
  • Phenotypes characterized by strain and sex
  • Raw data can be downloaded, manipulated, and analyzed with database tools
  • Fully integrated with the Mouse Genome Informatics (MGI) database


Mouse Genome Informatics

  • Provides integrated access to data on the genetics, genomics, and biology of the laboratory mouse
  • Captures data on mutant genotypes and phenotypes of all types, including spontaneous, chemically- and radiation-induced, and other genetically engineered mutations (transgenic, targeted, conditional, etc.)
  • Offers cross species comparisons


Choosing & maintaining mice for type 2 diabetes and obesity research

Factors to consider when choosing models and tips for maintaining obese mice.


Animal Models of Diabetic Complications Consortium

  • Provides phenotypic data and resources on mouse models of diabetes complications
  • Primary goal is to construct animal models for studying diabetes-complication pathologies, with an emphasis on etiology, prevention, and treatment
  • Consists of eight Mouse Engineering and Phenotyping units from different institutions and one Coordinating and Bioinformatics unit
  • Members are scientists who have expertise in mouse genetic engineering technologies, organ pathologies, genomic technologies, and diabetic complications