JAX, with decades of experience standardizing mouse husbandry practices, has a deep understanding of immunological drivers of autoimmune disease progression.

JAX In Vivo Preclinical Efficacy Services delivers robust and reproducible data that enables confident preclinical go/no-go decisions, including:

• Flexible study designs tailored to client requirements
• Studies that are benchmarked against clinically approved Standard-of-Care therapies
• Clinical Biomarker & Immunology-based readouts to understand candidates’ MOA


Established and emerging models are available to understand the origins and treatment of the most common form of lupus, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
Pancreatic dysfunction underlies type 1 diabetes in mice including the commonly used autoimmune NOD/ShiLtJ model
Aberrant immune responses contribute to human inflammatory bowel disease as well as the mouse strains used to study colitis, Crohn’s disease, and other conditions